Dallas Peer Review

Expert Peer Review CPA Services in Dallas

Are you in need of a peer review in Dallas? You’re in good company. Many Dallas-based accounting firms understand the importance of ensuring their assurance practices meet professional standards. This process can be smoother with an experienced, objective reviewer.


That’s where Haynie & Company’s expert peer-review CPAs come in. We bring a fresh perspective to your Dallas firm’s financial health and ensure compliance with AICPA standards.


Our team at Haynie & Company serves as peer reviewers in the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Peer Review Program. This experience translates into in-depth knowledge that can objectively assess your firm’s adherence to AICPA standards. The AICPA peer review standards require a review to be performed every three years. Let us give you the peace of mind you deserve. Contact Haynie & Company today at (214) 296-0900 to schedule a consultation with our highly skilled team.

Professionals at Haynie & Company meeting to discuss the 179D Energy Tax Deduction.

Our Financial Peer Review Services

“Peer review” isn’t just for scientific research. In the accounting world, it’s a critical process where another CPA firm independently examines your financial statements and records, making sure everything aligns with AICPA standards.


Haynie & Company offers comprehensive peer review services, providing you with valuable insights and guaranteeing your system of control is in the best shape. Our in-depth review covers key areas like:


  • Quality Control Document
  • Independence
  • Internal Inspection
  • Licensing
  • Continuing Professional Education
  • Assurance Engagements – Audits, Reviews, Compilations, etc.


Our independent perspective gives you the assurance you need, and our accurate system of quality control is compliant and ready for any review. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and to learn more about how Haynie & Company’s peer review CPAs can empower your firm.

The AICPA Peer Review Program Explained

The AICPA Peer Review Program is an essential tool for accounting firms in Dallas to demonstrate their compliance with professional standards. Think of it as a way to strengthen trust with clients and regulators. Here’s how:


Guaranteeing Top-Tier Service

The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) sets the gold standard for accounting practices. Peer reviews conducted by independent, AICPA-approved experts like Haynie & Company make sure your firm adheres to these rigorous standards.


Focus on Non-SEC Audits

The review focuses on your firm’s processes for audits and other engagements not overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This targeted approach ensures that your core accounting and auditing practices meet professional standards.


State Oversight, National Recognition

The review process is overseen by state CPA societies approved by the AICPA. This dual layer of oversight provides transparency and confidence to all stakeholders.


Building Trust and Reputation

A successful review translates to assurance for you and your clients. It demonstrates your accuracy and compliance, solidifying your reputation as a reliable partner for Dallas businesses.

Elevate Your Firm With Dallas’ Leading Peer Review CPAs


Haynie & Company offers a strategic approach to AICPA peer reviews, leveraging our peer review CPAs to ensure your system of quality control not only meets standards but also showcases your firm’s strengths. We provide actionable insights that contribute to your long-term success.


Don’t settle for a checklist review. Partner with a trusted advisor. Haynie & Company is here to protect your reputation and exceed expectations. Contact us today at (214) 296-0900 to discuss your needs or explore our list of comprehensive accounting services designed to elevate your Dallas practice.

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