A Cost Segregation Study is a great way to save on taxes for individuals and businesses that have recently bought, built, or renovated a property. This study helps lower your current income tax bills and boost cash flow by allowing you to take larger depreciation deductions for certain parts of your real estate. Typically, these parts are treated as having a long depreciation period: 39 years for commercial buildings and 27.5 years for residential buildings.
During the study, a cost segregation expert will find parts of your property that can be moved to a shorter depreciation period. This can lead to significant cash flow improvements and lower taxes, along with other benefits:
- Cost segregation can lower your real estate property taxes.
- You can reclaim missed depreciation on assets that were classified incorrectly.
- An independent third-party analysis can stand up to IRS scrutiny.
If you’re ready to explore how a cost segregation study can enhance your tax savings, contact Haynie & Company today! Our team is here to assist you in maximizing your financial benefits.