Author: Don Breckenridge

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has never faced a challenge like the COVID-19 outbreak, but they’re stepping up to help small business owners who are suffering financially during these...

Tax Day Moves from April 15 to July 15This morning, the Treasury Department announced the federal tax filing and tax payment deadlines are now July 15, 2020.  We expect states...

How to Survive an Economic Shutdown Don't be an Ostrich! Now Isn’t the Time to Stick Your Head in the Sand. This isn’t meant to be another message discussing COVID-19 medical issues,...

March 20, 2020The IRS has extended both the tax filing and tax payment deadline to July 15. We encourage you to reach out to your lenders, landlords and key...

Taxpayers should know the signs of a phone scam, especially during filing season IRS Tax Tip: 2020-32Note: while not included in the IRS Tip, we’ve noticed these same tips apply to...